Thursday, April 22, 2010

Merchant of Venice: The Essay

Here are the essay options!

Tuesday and Thursday: Computer Lab
Monday, May 3: Essay Due. Class in black box. Bring Comedy of Errors.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Act 5 ... it all comes crashing down

The final post for Merchant of Venice! Oh no ... the final post. We'll finish up the Pacino film on Wednesday and then get to the happenings of Act 5. Remember, MoV is classified as a comedy. Did you find it funny?

1. What’s the beginning of Act 5 all about?
2. Is Jessica on stage throughout most of Act 5? If so, why? What happens to her?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Monday's class


Please pass the word to others. Please be on time.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Equivocation Response

Focusing on one element of the play -- lighting, direction, costumes, acting, whatever -- discuss the successes and/or failures of the play. Your response should be a healthy 2-3 paragraphs.

Act 4, Sc 1&2

Answer 2 of 3. Your choice.

1. Who is the merchant of Venice designated in the title of the play?
2. Is Venice law against Christian bloodshed?
3. What does the ring symbolize to the different characters? Think big and outside the box. Go wild!