Tuesday, May 4, 2010

COE: Act 1, Sc 2 & Act 2

1. How does the audience know the arriving Dromio is of Ephesus and not Syracusa?
2. In what ways is the tone contradictory in lines 32-42 and 43-52. How are these two speeches delivered? Is the contrast present in these two speeches humorous?
3. How is the interaction between Antipholus S and Dromio E played out? Is one more serious than the other? Notice the focus on money.

1. Act out lines 1-41: What stereotypes do Luciana and Adriana perpetuate? What effect does the rhyme have on this interaction? Compare lines 15-25 and 32-41. What are the two women saying and how are their views on marriage different?
2. Look at Adriana's final two speeches: 87-101 and 103-115. How does this speech contradict her previous one in lines 32-41. What is the tone of her delivery? What is Shakespeare saying about all women in this speech -- go crazy.

1. The idea of madness is introduced in the previous scene, and here we have some seriously wacky things happening. But the scene begins with Dromio S's witty word play. What is the purpose of the back and forth in the first 106 lines? Remember, we've now seen Antipholus with both Dromios.
2. Act out lines 109-end. How do Antipholus and Dromio physically react to this situation? What are we to think of Adriana?

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