Thursday, February 4, 2010

Act 4 notes & ideas

1. 4.1: Olivia bursts on the stage at line 39. She must command the stage. How does she do it? What is her entrance like? How does Sir Toby react to Olivia's dismissal?

2. 4.1.46-60: Olivia has just saved the love of her life. Work with a partner and speak the words as persuasively as possible. How does Sebastian react? How does Olivia deliver her lines?

3. 4.2.21-60: Do you feel sympathy for Malvolio seeing as he's in a Catch 22? Do you think Feste's humor is funny or bitter or vicious or what?

4. Scene 3: This scene mirrors the previous one, but what are we to make of this secret marriage? What does the priest make of it? What happened to the mourning vow? Why not say Cesario? What is the dramatic purpose of the scene? Does Sebastian speak some/none/all of his lines to the audience? How does Sebastian speak so as to bring out the humor in his wonderment?

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