Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It's the final PROJECT!

Please read the title of this post to the tune of Europe's hit: The Final Countdown. And then listen to the song. Promise you'll be inspired. And then come up with ideas for your final project. There will be a quiz on the song. I'll also give extra credit if you 1. come dressed as one of Europe's band members, or 2. memorize the words and choreograph a lip sync to the song, or 3. write a short essay (and I mean short — think 1 paragraph) on the value of 80s style boy bands and their influence on 21st century masculinity.

The possibilities for the final project are limitless. You can write an essay, perform a scene solo or with others, make a movie trailer, make costumes, design a set, storyboard one of the plays and pick locations, create the soundtrack for one of the plays, and on and on and on. You will create the rubric; we'll revise it together.

Go to, young scholars! Don't stop believing in your awesomeness. Don't get hung up on the small details of the ideas. We'll figure those out later. Just keep it together, and all will be right with the world. Heck, we'll be on summer holiday soon enough. That's right, school's almost out for the summer! No more November rain. Just jump for joy, and June will be here in no time.

Post final project ideas here!


Bo said...

Is this the post space to comment on our final project?

MC said...

Yes. Did you get distracted with all that music? =-)

Grace L. said...

Bo and I are planning to make a puppet show of Comedy of Errors with probably one minute an act. We have a few ideas at this point.
1. Have a slideshow type movie with photographs of the puppets in various situations with our narration over it. There could be music and clear identification of characters with movie text and all.
2. Film us moving the puppets around in a more traditional puppet show. The problems with this are that it could be much harder to move the puppets around in a clear/ clean way.
We're planning on making the puppets and scenes, which will probably incorporate the outdoors, and then of course we will write the script too.

Eric S said...

1.Mr. Dashon Harris and Eric Slamovich IV are planning on translating a scene in one of the plays into modern day English. It will include vocabulary and slang words that are common and affluent in our community. We we also dress up and memorize the translation of whatever scene of the plays we choose to do. Our acting of the scene will not resemble how Shakespeare pictured it to be; we are the directors and we are going to make it better, more creative, and more funny! I am sorry Shakespeare rest in peace my boy.

2. Does anyone have any advice in which we could make our project be more inventive and interesting? Question to Mary, how long should the translated scene we memorized be and last?

Ross Bronfenbrenner said...

1) I'm diggin' the music.

2) AJ, Amalie, Eric J and I are thinking of presenting a fully staged version of the court scene from The Merchant of Venice. Depending on how we cast the scene, either AJ and Amalie will co-direct or Amalie will be the lone director. I'm sure the others will have some stuff to add, but that seems to be the basic premise.

Alec Neal said...


I'm making dolls out of wool modeled after some of the characters in the play

some other ideas I had were:
1- (for the artistic people) making an illustrated version of one of the acts in a play.

2- Writing either a background story on one of the less important characters or writing about what happens to them after the play ends. for example: the early life of Malvolio and his first relationship and heartbreak or, Antonio (from 12th night) reuniting with his own family after separating from Sebastian and what he learns about his past.

Bo said...

As grace said before me...
My final project would ideally be a joint project in which Grace and I would construct/make puppets and eventually produce a puppet movie of the comedy of errors. The style of the movie however is in the air and we have yet come to a definite answer. We currently are looking to do a movie of pictures that have simultaneous have our voices reciting lines from the play or some version of the lines in the play as the pictures transition by. There is also the possibility of making an actual motion picture in which we would either do a condensed version of the play or showcase a single scene in greater detail. I would love your opinions on which sound the best and whether or not there are more possibilities to these three ideas. Please share and hold nothing back!

Definitely Not A.J. said...

Kyle will also be a part of the aforementioned Merchant of Venice scene.

A.J., Amalie, Lindsay, Kyle, Ross, Eric, & Emily said...

Cast List for scene BOSS:

Portia: Amalie
Shylock: A.J.
Antonio: Ross
Bassanio: Kyle
Duke: Eric J
Gratiano/Salanio/Salarino: Lindsay
Nerissa: Emily

Emily Lewis said...

I'm in the large epic scene

Anonymous said...


I was thinking about making a preview for the merchant of venice by stringing together clips from a bunch of other previews for movies online. I'd probably have some music playing throughout the background, with dramatic words / quotes from the merchant of venice breaking up the video images.