Tuesday, January 12, 2010

12th Night: Act 1, Scene 5 Notes/ideas

From previous reading
  1. Scene 3: the knuckleheads. We're offered comedic relief and some prose. Look at Sir Toby's wordplay and his wit. What is Sir Andrew's role? Look at lines 93-124.
  2. Scene 4: Viola & Orsino are quick friends. Is Valentine jealous? Look at lines 1-4. How are they delivered? Jealousy? Angry? Superior? Indifferent? Mocking? Friendly? What tone works best and why? Look at the entire scene for the dramatic irony (see terms list). How does Viola respond to Orsino's words of love? Look closely at lines 24-41. Are we witness to love at first sight? What does Viola see in Orsino?
From last night's reading
  1. Ideas from nightly posting.
  2. Scene 5: Look at lines 154-291 and compare the tone, movement, and intention to 1.4.18-42. How is Viola different in the two scenes?

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